Commodore's been wearing his new robe in the locker room, and it's become a sensation here in Carolina. The team store is going to sell replicas as we head into the playoffs. The TV guys, and Mike Commodore, are envisioning a game where everyone in the stands is wearing a white bathrobe and a red carnival wig.
In a story that appeared today on the Hurricanes website, Commy says:
"That could make a mean combination - a robe and a wig," Commodore said. "I think it would look good with a lot of robes in the stands, especially in the playoffs. "When the whole arena's packed and one color, it's awesome," he said. "I'm not trying to tell the fans what to do, but it could look pretty good."
I think it's hilarious, and if the price is right, I'll get one of the robes. I'm guessing, however, that they'll be a little too spendy. I don't think they'll be in the store tomorrow night, but I'll be on the lookout.
I think Mikey's on the right track, even if he is delusional about us having a "robe-out". If the fans can all center around one thing, even if it's really silly, the team will be able to build off of that chemistry. I know there will be a bunch of people who customize their own robes, so we might see quite a bit of them even if they aren't officially licensed. I can't wait to see how that plays out.
1 comment:
Hey-- it's Sideshow Mike Commodore!
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